Private Training


1472920_10202214929526766_1536986905_nPRIVATE TRAINING

Whether your goals are to be a stronger rider or for better overall body strength, injury prevention and flexibility, AZMB offers skills and/or fitness training on and off the bike that will get you there.

Private sessions can be the best way to work on specific skills, helping riders to focus on the areas where they need the most improvement. Amy Regan has been training riders since 1992, and has a keen sense of immediately identifying the problem areas. Bike fit and evaluation of your riding position and style are part of the process to help resolve riding issues – and make mountain biking a whole lot more fun!


Private trail skills training: $235/ 3 hours

Semi-private (2): $150 each

Amy’s clients also seek her out to help improve fitness in all areas. A stronger body is a stronger body on the bike!

Private off-bike training: $75 / hour

Contact Amy to find out what works best for you!